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New Member- George W Smith b 1803 NC m Hannah Barnes-Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 YDNA tester, is also doing Big-Y results not in yet Branch One interesting thing on this line is | smithsworldwide |
New Big-Y result in for Smith DNA Project Group GRP-G-M201-1-Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 Terminal SNP G-Z42385 For the project, this makes 4 people who have done Big-Y tests that all have | smithsworldwide |
Columbus-Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 The use of the middle name of Columbus drives me nuts!!! | nativeshepherd |
YDNA Results back for member Christian Smith b 1738 NY -Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 YDNA test Branch | smithsworldwide |
Christian C (Columbus) Smith-Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 I am not trying to be a bomb in the middle of everyone's hopes about the trees and I would reall.... | nativeshepherd |
Christoph and Grundling Per the Moravian Archive which has very detailed and accurate information about these potential ance | nativeshepherd |
New Member- Christian Columbus Smith b 1774 NC m Rachel Pafford -Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 YDNA, results not in yet. Assuming there is a match, will be adding this member to the grouping B | smithsworldwide |
Another Big-Y Result for Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1-Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 This makes total Big-Y testers 3. All have the same terminal SNP of G -Z42385. This latest tester's | smithsworldwide |
New member - Christian Schmidt b 1774 Prussia-Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 Autosomal test This line went from Adair Co KY to Texas. Would like to find a male Smith descend | smithsworldwide |
New Big-Y Group (Smith DNA ) BY-G-M201-1-Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 Big Y Group BY-G-M2011 is part of Group GRP-G-M201-1 which includes Schmidt and Smith from NC, PA an | smithsworldwide |
Updated YDNA SAPP Chart for Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 (Smith DNA Project)-Smith DNA Group GRP-G-M201-1 Some possibilities for commonality. Origins in Germany, through Lancaster Co PA. In North Carolina | smithsworldwide |