tsmith1950 |
William Smith b.1678 and haplogroup R-M269-106
William Smith Posted by tsmith1950 in Smith/Schmidt Queries and Most Wanteds on July 22, 2024 Views:(1884) Replies (1) PostID:3573 Please Login/Register to reply to this topic This William Smith is somehow listed on the R-M269-106 Haplogroup along with James Smith and Alexander Smith, and their various descendants, several of which have submitted their YDNA to this website. https://www.smithsworldwide.org/tng/gbookd.php?id=2743&tree=tree1 The branch for William Smith appears to originate from kit N144**(R-Z198 England). I don't know enough about the process to decipher why he might be on the R-M269-106 branch. Can someone please explain? Or, tell me if this inclusion is an error, in which case his data should be removed. Thank you, Tim Smith tsmith1950@zoho.com |
Posted by smithsworldwide on July 31, 2024 03:56:19 PM
CommentID 611 Hi, Tim This is a DNA project, primarily YDNA but we also have autosomal testers, etc in it. FTDNA determines based on the YDNA results what the match can be within a certain range. If a member falls within that, he is placed with others he matches as well, in this case on YDNA. Does this mean they have the same known common ancestor? Not necessarily, becasue the key matches are on DNA and not necessarily tree data. The YDNA chart on FTDNA for the project cmopares the STR markers and one can tell what the differences are. If you look here for group GRP-R-M269-106 you will see N114597 among them with some variations in the STR markers; note that this William Smith also was in Virginia. I do not see you with a YDNA kit in the project. Inviting you to join, as perhaps since you have an interest in this group, you would fit in there. You are a male Smith so the YDNA test is what you would take. If you have any other questions, feel free to email info@smithsworldwide.org |